Formatting an SD card to FAT32 with Linux Mint
Right click
Pick options
That was easy
Right click
Pick options
That was easy
Run CMD as Administrator.
“list disk”
“select disk [n]” (no brackets; n=the number of the disk)
“create partition primary”
“format fs=fat32”
Instructions to make a list view for blog posts: https://quiroz.co/modify-the-divi-blog-fullwidth-layout/
Basically, do a blog block, With Excerpts, full screen layout, and have this css in your site.
Here is the CSS:
/*------------------------------------------------*//*--------[GQ - LEFT ALIGN BLOG IMAGE]------------*//*------------------------------------------------*/.et_pb_posts .et_pb_post a img, .archive .et_pb_post a img, .search .et_pb_post a img {max-width: 210px!important;float: left;padding-right: 20px;}@media only screenand (max-width: 980px) {.et_pb_posts .et_pb_post a img, .archive .et_pb_post a img, .search .et_pb_post a img{float:none;max-width: 250px!important;}}
Should look like this:
Here is Custom CSS for a floating header and centered menu
/*--------[GQ - LEFT ALIGN BLOG IMAGE]------------*/
.et_pb_posts .et_pb_post a img,
.archive .et_pb_post a img,
.search .et_pb_post a img {
max-width: 210px!important;
float: left;
padding-right: 20px;}
@media only screen and (max-width: 980px) {
.et_pb_posts .et_pb_post a img,
.archive .et_pb_post a img,
.search .et_pb_post a img{
max-width: 250px!important;}}
@media only screen and (max-width: 980px) {
#logo {
min-height: 100px;
@media only screen and (min-width: 981px) {
#logo {
min-height: 120px;
#top-menu, .et-menu, nav#top-menu-nav, nav.et-menu-nav {
float: none!important;
text-align: center;
#et-top-navigation {
width: 100%;
I recently helped someone get their Windows 10 laptop unstuck from Windows Updates, then I helped a business owner get control of her Yelp account and remove incorrect reviews, and then I helped a small business regain ownership of their website domain so they can actually use it to set up a website.
So I thought I’d hang out a shingle.
Little USB sticks are somewhat out of favor these days – who needs them, when we have the whole cloud at our disposal? But I do LOVE my Kingston USB drives. The have the most satisfying form factor. Computer makers love cramming their USB ports as close together as they can. But thumb-drive makes see to think we need bit plastic surrounds on our devices, so sometimes it’s impossible to jamb the drives in side by side.
These Kingston drives are different. They are no wider or taller than they need to be. You should get yourself some!
I was doing some browser tests looking for Easter eggs the other day, and was reminded of the Opera Browser. An old favorite I forget to use. It has some nice features!
2. A VPN option. Start it from settings, then it lives in the left of the browser bar. With a “New Private Window” and VPN, you are good to go shopping!
There is certainly a speet hit with the VPN turned on, but with the VPN and Adds blocked, pages feel like they load faster than VPN with Adds. But still much slower than no VPN. Downloads are much worse with the VPN. But sometimes you want that Privacy.
“Snapshot” is a neat feature that allows you to grab a portion of a web page and save it as a png. A little faster than the Windows Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch, I suppose, but it can’t capture outside of the browser window.
“Print” is hidden in the Opera Menu -> Page -> Print. Not a biggie, but it took me an extra five seconds to find it.
Evidently they have some big news coming out soon. I signed up for their blog updates with my [name]+opera@gmail account, so now I’ll know if they distribute my email (see my previous post.)