What's the Deal?
This blog is my play area. I use it just to keep stuff sort of documented.

Yellow filter
St Joe’s
Country Kitchen
Advanced filter in my old Fujifilm XP140
Vegetable Brush
Snowy Morning
Last Pizza in South America
Villa Mansa
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at Villa Mansa. I wish I could grow lavender this big. We taught them to serve a pepper grinder to people from Estados Unidos.
Cooking class
We learned how to make enpanadas. And at this meal, we hit "max food." Personally, i felt full for 2 days.
We had laundry sent out a few times, but Lisa always likes to stay caught up with clean clothes.
Olive oil tasting
While we were on our wine tasting tour, we asked if the trees we were seeing were olive trees. They are, and the tour leader was excited about our interest. She set up an olive oil tasting before our cooking class. It's an established oil-making farm with a new shop...
Pan America motorcycles
I was locked out of my blog for a few frustrating days. It said it didn't trust someone trying to log in from Argentina, so it wanted me to log in and approve the log in. But it wouldn't let me log in to approve it... because I'm Argentina. When I get caught up in...
The Fascinating History of this Site
This Foray in to WordPress started on or about 11/26/2017. It’s ramblings about running, computers, and sometimes food.