Winter Musings
As a Board member at my church, we were each told to write a small blurg about winter for our newsletter. This was my submission.
On these dark mornings when I put on the heavy sweats and reflective vest to head out on my morning run, it can feel more like a chore than a joy. Ensconced in the little bubble of my headlamp, my mind begins offering me a recitation of all my mistakes, people I’ve hurt, and times I’ve failed to be an authentic human being. Then it recounts the global environmental collapse we are experiencing. Dark cold winter mornings drag me there.
But, by the time I turn for home, there is often an orange glow in the east – it’s a new day. I begin thinking what I will do today to rectify my mistakes, and be a better person. I commit to some actions, or rehears some responses if I find myself in certain situations. At the end of this new day I want to be able to pass the mirror test.
But a new day doesn’t only bring sunlight and regeneration; it can also bring troubles. The murmurs about the ‘20’s is that this is a “decade of danger.”
This church gives me a group of people who also see the dawn of a new day, which could be a good or bad day, but we are working hard to be the people we want to be in the new day. We share ideas and the work we can do; we challenge each other. I learn from each one of you. That’s why I am a member of this church. Thank you.